Business Resilience
Implementation & Exercises

A Business Continuity plan is nothing without exercises, over and over again.

There are three main standards for business resilience. Two of them are American and one is international.

Everytime you exercise you’ll learn something new. A back-up is worthless if you are not aware of the ability to restore data. A crisis never occurs in an isolated event. Managing a crisis will require a different style of leadership. S23k Business Resilience Management exercises increases resilience during a crisis.

We offer you the opportunity to take out a subscription so that we can coach your Business Resilience Managers and you are also assured that when things really go wrong and you are at hand, our specialists S23k Team Purple(Team Purple) are available. An experienced Crisis Manager is hard to find. Qualified specialists are a different type of people.

A Crisis Manager can be required right now…anywhere in the world.

A solid preparation, based on facts, is crucial

We start with a proficiency check in which we focus our research on those matters that require the most attention. We will work with you to find vulnerabilities, dependencies, etc. We can then develop an exercise for this. In parallel, we train your crisis team or rather the Resilience Team. We advise to train your own Business Resilience Team and train your organization with your team. Repeat those training sessions regularly. 

Managing a crisis is a different sport than managing a daily operation. Not everyone is given that. These exercises are aimed at testing existing Business Continuity plans in a real simulation. We train the cooperation, the response and investigate an alternative working method. Communication is crucial here. Who communicates when, what and with whom. And most of all…we learn.