The Business Resilience Management model

The S23k Business Resilience Management model explained in more detail. Have a look at the offers below. One even more beautiful than the other. One is accessible to anyone with a filled pouch … and the other is completely unusable with an equally richly filled wallet. And that for almost the same money.

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The Porsche Cayenne a monster and yet for the whole family …

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The Cirrus SR22, designed for and by NASA, state of the art technology… also for the whole family.

Yet the latter is of no value to the vast majority of the population. Anyone with a driver’s license and a well-stocked wallet can report to a Ferrari, Porsche or Lamborghini dealer and call themselves the proud owner. No course, training or the like is necessary.

In theory you could do the same with the Cirrus… except that this miracle of technology is of no use to most people. Without a license and without the necessary experience and without having been able to demonstrate that you can fly this machine, you will not go into the air with all the money in the world.

Aviation is not just about achieving the theory. In fact, a score below 75% is considered to have failed. In aviation you have to demonstrate that you are able to put, what you have learned, into practice. You may have spent so many hours in a simulator, in the end it is all about whether you are able to safely ground an aircraft, given the ever-changing weather conditions.

Am I allowed to fly?

Rule 1 of the aviation law reads; “It is forbidden to fly unless …”

But with a license alone you are not there yet. Then, despite the money you have in the account, you still cannot take this machine with you. Other standards apply in aviation. Every device, every qualification is an extra note. 1 propeller driven device? Singel Engine Piston. For this you have to fly with an instructor every 2 years. Haven’t flown for too long? Indeed, then you have to go with an instructor. Fly at night? That is a new rating and an exam must be flown before you can go out on your own. Do you want to fly commercially? Then, in addition to your training, you may first have flown 200 hours of which 100 as Pilot in Command.

Is that the highest achievable in aviation?

Certainly not, with an ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot License) certificate you can work as a commercial pilot. You are then authorized to work as captain or first officer (co-pilot) on all types of aircraft.

You cannot get a higher diploma as a commercial pilot. The ATPL training is intensive and consists of the following components:

ATPL theory (14 theory courses);

PPL (Private Pilot License) certification;

Night Qualification Rating;

Pilot in Command hourbuilding (making flying hours as a pilot);

Single Engine Instrument Rating (instrument flying in a single engine complex aircraft);

CPL (Commercial Pilot License) certification;

Multi-engine Piston Instrument Flight Rules and Visual Flight Rules;

Multi Crew Cooperation (flying on a multi-crew flight).

Oh yes… and before you can go for an ATPL you can bring 1500 hours of experience. You must also have flown in a complex aircraft. Every practical exam the emergency actions come back. engine failure, emergency landing, diverting to another airport,  disorientation, unusual attitudes, etc. The list is long and have to be profen every single time.

Do you want to be able to fly on instruments? In that case you’re in for a new theory course and exam… that’s theory and practice. Do you want to fly with 2 engines? Turbine? Turbines? Jet? Jets? Passengers? Cargo? Complex airports? Indeed… exams, checks, etc. Until the age of 50, a medical examination every other year, above the age of 50 you can take your urine to the supervising doctor every year.

The government has no problem with you dying… however, they would prefer you not to do that when you are operating a machine up there.

In short, in aviation you are not there with just your diploma. Such combinations of theory and practice appear to be based on Bloom’s taxonomy, which is a set of three hierarchical models used to classify educational learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity. The three lists deal with the learning goals in cognitive, affective and sensory domains. The cognitive domain list has been the primary focus of most traditional education and is often used to structure curriculum learning goals, assessments, and activities.

Knowledge involves recognizing or remembering facts, terms, basic concepts or answers without necessarily understanding what they mean.

The characteristics can include:

– Knowledge of particulars – terminology, specific facts
Knowledge of ways and means of dealing with specific matters – Conventions, trends and sequences, classifications and categories, criteria, methodology
– Knowledge of the universals and abstractions in a field – principles and generalizations, theories and structures
– Knowledge “involves the recall of details and universals, the recall of methods and processes, or the recall of a pattern, structure, or setting.”

Concept “refers to some type of understanding or concern so that the individual knows what is being communicated and can make use of the material or idea being communicated without necessarily relating it to other material or seeing its full implications.”

Application refers to the “use of abstractions in certain and concrete situations”.

Analysis represents the “breakdown of a communication into its constituent elements or parts, so that the relative hierarchy of ideas is made clear and / or the relationships between expressed ideas are made explicit.”

Synthesis involves “joining elements and parts together to form a whole.”

Evaluation leads to judgments about the value of materials and methods for specific purposes.

How does this relate to S23k?

This is where S23k bridges the gap between traditional education and practice. From our vision, practice and theory are inextricably linked. And skills are a factor that must be trained and tested repeatedly. Not only in the interest of your organization, but also for the protection of the individual. Fit to fly? Fit to manage?

Why don’t we test the skills of people in a company? Why do we look at a diploma that was obtained years ago? What is the value if someone cannot put what has been learned into practice?

Prince2, PmBok, WRAKIII, MSP, IPMA, Agile, Scrum… all old wine in new bottles. It is an escape from linear thinking people who are looking for a solution to a problem. “We have a problem …” answer; “BVP! (Best Value Procurement) ”Not knowing that such models require something from ALL involved. You often see this in large corporate companies, where management and the shop floor are miles apart. To understand a problem you have to understand the cause. If you want to outsource something, you have to know exactly what you are asking for. And what you ask starts with an inventory of exactly what you have. That actually has to be recorded. That is your “demand”. If you don’t know what you want, you don’t get what you need.

It is such companies, organizations that are already in trouble with a crisis of limited size. The distance between senior management and the workplace is often too great. Operational knowledge and skills no longer reach management. Rest spreadsheet management. Managing costs and figures.

What we do for you?

If we want to be able to solve something for you, We must understand exactly what you are asking. You hardly come across such vague models in aviation. There is a culture in aviation where people are allowed to discuss problems, issues, etc.. Good is not good enough. You must be able to demonstrate that you can apply the theoretical material in practice. ITIL is worthless as a theoretical model. And as long as you’ve never done an ITIL implementation, you probably won’t qualify to act as a copilot. Take it from me, you are happy that people in aviation feel that way when you and your family take off on board a KLM aircraft heading for the sunny south. Without you being aware of it, nothing has been left to chance. The people in the front have years and years of experience and have invested endlessly in continuous training and simulations. Why don’t we do that in the business world yet? Why is Resilience Management not yet institutionalized? Or even mandatory?

“There is no substitute for experience”

S23k has developed a unique model that applies the techniques from aviation to industry, governments, etc. It is the basic attitude of our specialists that can help you prepare your organization for the most unlikely scenario. But if the situation arises, despite the crisis, your organization will be at the top of the list of rising stocks.

Managing a crisis starts with preventing it. Start by training your staff, identifying covertly disruptive processes, procedures and practices and then learning other, read improved practices, processes, procedures and communication forms. By understanding what the ratio is.

Did you ever try a crisismanagement exercise?

Have you ever lived through a crisis with your team? Do you have a crisis management team? Does your crisis management team train regularly? And evaluate? Learn?

S23k helps you to prepare such an exercise, to set the frameworks and to guide it professionally. We train your employees to think circular, to be more goal-oriented and to stear away from linear processes and other disruptive working methods.

Learn to think like a pilot, train like a soldier, and act like an athlete or medical specialist. Learn to think in scenarios. IF… THEN… ELSE…

Prepare for the next crisis … be prepared for a crisis by practicing it in a simulation so  the optimal scenario is known in advance and does not have to be devised on the spot. Be one of the companies that knows how to take advantage of a crisis. Learn from the people for whom failure is not an option. Make a no-obligation appointment with the specialists at S23k.

Your future may depend on it. We are happy to take you to Flight level 100 to let you experience how beautiful it is there at a lonely height.

S23k to FL100“Kwaliteit is niet duur…het is onbetaalbaar”

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